Celeste #4

Sad news today, I had to quit my job at the office. It just wouldn't work out with my college schedule. It was a really fun job and I'll miss the people, but all things come to an end eventually I guess. It just sucks because alot of the part time jobs are taken because of other people in my same position. I'm sure if worse comes to worse I'll waitress, but I'm defintely going to shop around a little bit. My ideal is a nice little desk job in the evenings, a music store would be fun too, just jammin out all day helping people who don' t know their abc's find the cd they are looking for. We'll see... I'll keep you all posted! Well, I had to replace my alternator, but at least I have my car fixed. It didn't take any time out of my weekend either. I had one last big "goodbye-to-summer" party on Saturday and I got pretty trashed. It was one of those parties where you remember half of it and your friends have to tell you the rest. Today was also the first day of school. It was pretty good, kind of boring. It was just review, and stuff that I know pretty well, but I know that it will pick up soon. Lots and lots of hot guys, a lot of them already taken though. That's alright, I'll work my magic on the one's I'm really interested in. I have a few tricks that boys can't resist. :) Well, catch ya later guys! Good night!

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